Golf Story: il titolo in arrivo il 28 settembre sui Nintendo Switch europei

Poche ore fa, il Nintendo eShop ha listato l’arrivo di un nuovo titolo, ovvero Golf Story, che approderà questa settimana sui. Nintendo Switch europei.

Il tiolo sportivo sviluppato da Sidebar Games, verrà infatti pubblicato sull’eShop europeo di Nintendo Switch, il prossimo 28 settembre 2017, al prezzo di €14,99.

Potete trovare la pagina eShop del titolo, insieme a qualche informazione, in calce all’articolo.

The Game

Sidebar Games is excited to announce Golf Story for Nintendo Switch™. Play the story of a golfer, forced to give up all that he holds dear for one final shot at accomplishing his dream.

But all is not so simple in the world of golf. To best today’s players you have to be able to keep up with them not just on the course, but also off it.

Here are some of the things you can do in the game:

  • Tee up anywhere! You’ll be surprised by how many problems can be solved by hitting a golf ball at them.
  • Explore 8 unique environments, each with their own courses, towns, people and secrets.
  • Play through a dramatic story with a diverse cast of characters.
  • Upgrade your golfer by completing challenges, solving puzzles and buying new equipment.
  • Round out your skill set with long driver tournaments, disc golf, mini golf and wee links. Then go beyond golf with extra challenges like races, mowing, drone flights and geocaching.

Golf Story releases this Summer. Stay tuned for details.

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